Exposing Injustices Wherever Found
an Organization for Social Justice

Congressman - Jason Chaffetz
Jason Chaffetz became the Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee in January 2015. In the 114th Congress, he also served on the House Judiciary Committee. The values Rep. Chaffetz embraces are reflected in the issues he has prioritized during the course of his service. Accountability has been a hallmark of his work. Foreign policy and national security are a key focus of his work on both the Oversight and previously on the Homeland Security Committee. Rep. Chaffetz believes strongly in a constitutionally limited federal government. Rep. Chaffetz has been a tireless advocate of fiscal discipline, voting consistently to cut spending, eliminate earmarks, reduce duplication and retire outdated federal programs.
Website: http://chaffetz.house.gov/
Congressman - Al Green
On January 3, 2017, U.S. Congressman Al Green took the oath of office to serve the people of Texas’ 9th Congressional District and began his seventh term in the United States House of Representatives. As a veteran civil rights advocate, he has fought for those in society whose voices, too often, are not heard. Congressman Al Green currently serves on the Financial Services Committee. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, Congressman Al Green’s family taught him the importance of positive preparation through education and righteous resistance to overcome persistent injustice. Throughout his career, Congressman Al Green has enjoyed the respect of his colleagues as well as a wide cross-section of community leaders, who have praised his legal skills, impeccable character, and ability to work with people of diverse backgrounds. As evidence of how truly blessed Congressman Al Green believes he is, when asked, “How are you?” He often responds, “Better than I deserve.”
Website: http://algreen.house.gov
Global Director - Brian Paterson
Brian Paterson has been in ministry for over 40 years and is the Global Director of Stella’s Voice, an international organization whose vision is to be a voice for the orphans of Moldova. Stella’s Voice provides love and care for over 50 teens who are at risk of being sold into human trafficking. The ministry operates three homes: Stella’s Houses 1 and 2, and Simon’s House. Brian is a native of Scotland, and he now lives in Montgomery, Alabama with his wife, Yvonne, and their three children, Brian Jr., James and Sarah.
Website: www.stellasvoice.org
European Director - Mark Morgan
Over the years, Mark Morgan has worked in various managerial positions with Stella’s Voice, led Youth Alive Scotland, pioneered successful children’s and youth ministries, and now serves as the European Director for Stella’s Voice. Mark plays a key role in directing this international ministry and its ongoing efforts, which include rescuing orphaned teenagers in the nation of Moldova from the ever-¬present threat of human trafficking. As a gifted speaker and communicator, Mark has a passion for sharing the Word of God and training people. Mark was born in Wales and now lives in Peterhead, Scotland, with his wife, Sharon, and their children, Justin, Ashton, Emma and Ethan.
Website: www.stellasvoice.org
Senator - Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders is serving his second term in the U.S. Senate after winning re-election in 2012 with 71 percent of the vote. His previous 16 years in the House of Representatives make him the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history. Throughout his career he has focused on the shrinking American middle class and the growing income and wealth gaps in the United States. As chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Sanders in 2014 passed legislation reforming the VA health care system. Congressional Quarterly said he was able “to bridge Washington’s toxic partisan divide and cut one of the most significant deals in years.” Today, Sanders remains on the veterans committee and was tapped by Senate leadership to be the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee.
Website: https://www.sanders.senate.gov/
MD/Harvard Medical School Lecturer - John Abramson
After completing a residency in Family Medicine and a 2 year Robert Wood Johnson fellowship, John Abramson, MD MSc, worked as a family physician for 20 years. He served for 7 years as chairperson of the department of family practice at Lahey Clinic. He has been on the Harvard Medical School faculty since 1997, and is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Health Care Policy. From 2005 through the present, Dr. Abramson has served as an expert in litigation involving prescription drugs and medical devices, giving him access to literally millions of pages of confidential corporate documents and unreleased clinical trial data. Dr. Abramson has published articles in medical journals critiquing the quality of scientific evidence available to practicing physicians. Dr. Abramson is the author of Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine, published by HarperCollins in September 2004.
Website: https://www.hcp.med.harvard.edu/faculty/affiliated/john-david-abramson-md
Congressman - John Lewis
Often called, ”one of the most courageous persons the Civil Rights Movement ever produced," John Lewis has dedicated his life to protecting human rights, securing civil liberties, and building what he calls "The Beloved Community” in America. His dedication to the highest ethical standards and moral principles has won him the admiration of many of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the United States Congress. He has been called "the conscience of the U.S. Congress,” and Roll Call magazine has said, "John Lewis…is a genuine American hero and moral leader who commands widespread respect in the chamber.” He is Senior Chief Deputy Whip for the Democratic Party in leadership in the House, a member of the House Ways & Means Committee, a member of its Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support, and Ranking Member of its Subcommittee on Oversight.
Website: https://johnlewis.house.gov/
Clinical Director of SPTS - Phyllis Alongi
Phyllis Alongi is Clinical Director at Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide (SPTS). Phyllis is a Licensed Professional Counselor and has numerous years of counseling experience with children, adolescents and adults in both Partial Care and Intensive outpatient settings. She is a former educator with over 10 years of teaching experience. Phyllis obtained her Master’s Degree from Monmouth University in Professional Counseling in 2009 and the Advanced Clinical Supervision Certification in 2014. Prior to joining the team at SPTS, Phyllis served as the Clinical Consultant for the Toms River School District, Brick Township School Based Youth Services Program and Program Development Specialist for The Sandy Support and Counseling Project. Phyllis is proud share in the vision of such a meaningful and dynamic organization.
Website: http://www.sptsusa.org/
Congressman - Trey Gowdy
Representing South Carolina’s 4th District, Trey Gowdy entered Congress with a resolute commitment to the conservative principles that have guided him throughout his years in public service. At the core of those principles lies a firm belief in a limited government that inspires trust and demands accountability. Representative Gowdy serves on the House Committees on Intelligence, Ethics, Oversight and Government Reform, and Judiciary, where he also serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations. In these capacities, Representative Gowdy has fought to highlight facts, uphold the Constitution, rein in the ever-expanding scope of the federal government, and restore America’s trust with a renewed spirit of honesty, fairness and reason.
Website: https://gowdy.house.gov/
Retired Lower Court Judge - Donna Hamm
Donna Hamm, a retired lower court judge is the Founder and Executive Director of Middle Ground Prison Reform, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, officially formed in 1983. Donna is an international speaker on the issues of prison and jail reform. She is frequently a guest speaker/presenter at civic and community groups and to college and university classes throughout Arizona. She has appeared on CBS "60 Minutes," The Bill Moyers Program, numerous PBS specials, and is regularly contacted by the Associated Press and other print and electronic media organizations for her views on prison-related issues. Donna has been qualified as an expert witness in state and federal courts on issues such as prison and jail policy and conditions, as well as on executive clemency releases.
Congresswoman - Barbara Lee
Congresswoman Barbara Lee is a forceful and progressive voice in Congress, dedicated to social and economic justice, international peace, and civil and human rights. First elected in 1998 to represent California’s then-9th Congressional District (now the 13th), the Democratic lawmaker has established a reputation for principled and independent stands, unafraid to take on the tough issues and speak her mind for her constituents, for a more just America, and for a safer world. She has aggressively represented the needs of the undeserved and vulnerable people in her district and throughout the U.S., vigorously advocating for a wide range of social and economic concerns. She is a Senior Democratic Whip, former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and former co-chair of the Progressive Caucus.
Website: https://lee.house.gov/
Our hosts will be discussing the struggles that veterans go through and the lack of support they receive when they return home from tour. We take an in-depth look at life from our veterans' point of view.
Congressman - Raja Krishnamoorthi
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi was elected in November 2016 to represent the 8th District of Illinois, which includes the west and northwest suburbs of Chicago. Raja’s policy platform focuses on growing and strengthening the middle class by supporting small businesses, rebuilding our infrastructure, and protecting Social Security and Medicare. Raja knows our economy works best when it works for all of us, and that’s why he’s fighting to make college more affordable, expand access to paid sick and parental leave, and guarantee equal pay for equal work. Raja also served as the Vice-Chair of the Illinois Innovation Council and co-founded InSPIRE, a non-profit that provides inner-city students and veterans with training in solar technology.
Website: https://krishnamoorthi.house.gov/
Former Assistant Attorney General - Derek Gilna
Derek Gilna is a Northwestern University graduate who majored in History, a graduate of Northwestern Law School, and a former Assistant Attorney General of Illinois. He had a private law practice for 20 years and is a former Township Attorney, a Real Estate Investor, a Church Choir Director, a Church Elder, and a Columnist for Prison Legal News. He is also the Director of Federal Legal Center, Inc., an Illinois not-for-profit specializing in assisting convicted federal prisoners that works with attorneys around the country.
Congressman - Mark DeSaulnier
Congressman Mark DeSaulnier was elected to Congress in 2014 and proudly represents California’s 11th Congressional District, which includes the majority of Contra Costa County. For more than 20 years, Mark has been a leader on issues of importance to working families including guaranteeing a livable wage, ensuring education is affordable and accessible, making investments in job training, and keeping good paying jobs here at home. Mark has a proven record of fighting for needed investments in our infrastructure systems to improve safety, reduce congestion, and create good paying jobs. On the state level, Mark fought to safeguard against corporate tax giveaways, end prescription drug abuse, protect homeowners against foreclosure, and create the first in the country menu labeling standards.
Website: https://desaulnier.house.gov/
Senator - John McCain
John McCain was born at the Coco Solo Naval Station in Panama on August 29, 1936. The son of an Admiral, McCain enrolled in the Naval Academy and was dispatched to Vietnam, where he was tortured as a prisoner of war between 1967 and 1973. After his release, McCain served as a Republican congressman and senator from the state of Arizona. McCain lost the 2008 presidential election to Barack Obama. At 80 years old, he won his sixth term in the Senate in 2016. During his race he frequently clashed with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, who won the general election that same year.
Website: https://www.mccain.senate.gov/
Our hosts will be discussing federal prison camps, which are considered "out-custody" facilities without fences or walls, posing questions in regards to the wisdom of the federal government wasting billions of tax dollars of welfare-style appropriations for non-violent able-bodied men and women being housed at federal prison camps when home confinement with an ankle monitor can accomplish the same security and punitive objectives without the enormous financial and social costs.