Exposing Injustices Wherever Found
an Organization for Social Justice
Live Show Dial-In: (347) 838-8976
A Just Cause Mourns the Tragic Loss of Lives This Week...
AJC Radio Prays for Peace, Unity and REAL Change in America
A Just Cause Radio mourns the tragic loss life this week... The lives of Philando Castile, 33, and Alton Sterling, 37, who were gunned down by police officers and the vigilante justice that resulted in the death of five Dallas police officers, Brent Thompson, 43, Patrick Zamarripa, 32, Michael Krol, 40, Lorne Ahrens, 48, and Michael Smith, 55. In addition to the deaths, seven additional officers were wounded on duty and two civilians in the Dallas shooting. We are reminded of the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr:
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that."
Philando Castile
33 years old
Brent Thompson
43 years old
Alton Sterling
37 years old
Michael Smith
55 years old
Michael Krol
40 years old
Patrick Zamarripa
32 years old
Lorne Ahrens
48 years old
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish all as fools." ~MLK, Jr
AJC Radio Remembers... Black Lives Matter! Blue Lives Matter! ALL Lives Matter!!
Black Lives Matter...
Washington Post Highlights the IRP6 Story & Support of Judge Sarokin!!
By Tom Jackman, (@TomJackmanWP), Anchor of the True Crime Blog, The Washington Post
Tom Jackman published an article online at The Washington Post entitled, 'Judge who Freed ‘Hurricane’ Carter Now Helping Six Imprisoned Men, but Only Obama Can Save Them'. In it, Jackman details the meticulous investigation and ground breaking conclusions of Retired Federal Appellate Judge, The Honorable H. Lee Sarokin, who became convinced the innocence of the IRP6. Judge Sarokin didn't stop at proclamations, he wrote a series on the Huffington Post Crime Blog about the IRP6 case, authored a play, called 'The Race Card Face Up', and ultimately a letter on behalf of the IRP6 to President Obama pushing for their clemency, something Judge Sarokin had never done in sixty years as a lawyer or judge.
Featured News!!
The Honorable H. Lee Sarokin, Retired Federal Appellate Judge, Pens 'The Race Card Face Up'
Take action today and sign the petition asking President Barack Obama to free the innocent men, known as IRP6!!
Support the IRP6 in Their Quest for Justice!
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Latest News
IRP6: The Case of the Missing Transcript!!
Former Appelate Judge H. Lee Sarokin in a 5-part series at Huffington Post...
"...The government proved that the defendants incurred debts and did not pay them, but it failed to prove that they did not intend to pay them when incurred, because that was not their true intention. Now, although all of the legal arguments have been neatly sewn up and put aside, I cannot help but believe that the fabric of justice has been frayed in the process."
AJC Supports an Office of Ombudsman
Guest Howell Woltz shares his story & advantages of Ombudsman...
An Office of the Ombudsman will make our judiciary and law enforcement accountable for their actions. It will provide recourse for people whose rights have been violated. Join AJC supporters and sign up!
The Spotlight on Capitol Hill Segment
US House of Representatives, Senators, & Staffers weigh in on the issues...
There's a segment heating up and gaining momentum at AJC Radio! Tune in to hear from members of Congress on the issues that concern them the most, major initiatives that are in progress, and upcoming events on the Hill. AJC will feature press releases to preview the guest and the show topic. Who knows...maybe you'll hear from your representative!