Exposing Injustices Wherever Found
an Organization for Social Justice

AJC Radio Says Thank You to Congresswoman Robin Kelly!!
Featured Guest on this Week's Spotlight Encore Series with an Exclusive Interview
Congresswoman Robin Kelly (Democrat - Illinois) was featured in an exclusive interview on AJC Radio for the Spotlight Encore Series during the May 24, 2018 show, which highlighted her life accomplishments and ongoing legislation.
Many thanks for allowing AJC Radio to feature your initiatives and legislation in the Spotlight on Capitol Hill segment!
To listen to the archive: Congresswoman Kelly's Spotlight Encore Series Show
Official Website, Twitter - @RepRobinKelly, Facebook - RepRobinKelly

Thank You!!

In Case You Missed It!!
AJC Radio Tribute: Honoring the Life, Legacy and Contributions of the Honorable H. Lee Sarokin!!
A Retired U.S. District (NJ) and Court of Appeals (3rd Circuit) Judge with a Distinguished Career as a Civil Rights Champion

"Today is a sad day for me and certainly for the defendants and their families in the IRP6 Colorado case...I still cannot shake my belief that an injustice has occurred in respect to their guilt.
...Although all of the legal arguments have been neatly sewn up and put aside, I cannot help but believe that the fabric of justice has been frayed in the process." Excerpt from Part 5
The Honorable H. Lee Sarokin Speaks on the IRP5 - 'The Case of the Missing Transcript' Series

Case Highlights...

A Just Cause Highlights the Raw Truth on a Critical Case
Developments on the Case of the IRP5
Tune into AJC Radio's three part series, 'Fantasies and Lies in the IRP5 Case'
Read the raw, unedited truth of the latest, unbelievable developments in A Just Cause's flagship case...
- Maligned Denver Federal Judge Shortens IRP5 Defendant's Sentence Based on Fantastic Lies
- Colorado Federal Judge Accused of Slandering Colorado Springs Pastor, Church and Religion from the Bench, Says Advocacy Group A Just Cause

Breaking News...
Huffington Post Highlights the IRP5 Story & the Injustice of the Case!!
From the Blog of The Honorable H. Lee Sarokin, The Huffington Post
The Honorable H. Lee Sarokin, retired Federal Appellate judge continues his advocacy and support for the wrongfully convicted men, known as the IRP5. His recent blog post, 'A Company Small Enough To Prosecute', at The Huffington Post. In a recent article online at The Washington Post entitled, 'Judge who Freed ‘Hurricane’ Carter Now Helping Six Imprisoned Men, but Only Obama Can Save Them', Tom Jackman details the meticulous investigation and ground breaking conclusions of Judge Sarokin, who became convinced the innocence of the IRP6. Judge Sarokin didn't stop at proclamations, he wrote a series on the Huffington Post Crime Blog about the IRP5 case, authored a play, called 'The Race Card Face Up', and ultimately a letter on behalf of the IRP5 to President Obama pushing for their clemency, something Judge Sarokin had never done in sixty years as a lawyer or judge.

Latest News
Spotlight Encore Series
US House of Representatives, Senators, & Staffers weigh in on the issues...
The Spotlight series is taking a new twist at AJC Radio! Tune in to hear the best highlights from the Spotlight series as members of Congress discuss the issues that concern them the most and the path forward. You'll hear about major initiatives that are in progress and upcoming events on the Hill. Join us, tune in every Thursday night at 8 pm (Eastern) / 6 pm (Mountain).
IRP5: The Case of the Missing Transcript!!
Former Appelate Judge H. Lee Sarokin in a 5-part series at Huffington Post...
"...The government proved that the defendants incurred debts and did not pay them, but it failed to prove that they did not intend to pay them when incurred, because that was not their true intention. Now, although all of the legal arguments have been neatly sewn up and put aside, I cannot help but believe that the fabric of justice has been frayed in the process."
AJC Supports an Office of Ombudsman
Guest Howell Woltz shares his story & advantages of Ombudsman...
An Office of the Ombudsman will make our judiciary and law enforcement accountable for their actions. It will provide recourse for people whose rights have been violated. Join AJC supporters and sign up!