Exposing Injustices Wherever Found
an Organization for Social Justice

A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Paul Prestia
March 25, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Our special guest for tonight's show is Attorney Paul Prestia. He will share with our listenening audience the wrongful convictions story of Kalief Browder, a teenager who spent 3 years in Riker's Island with no conviction.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: David Love & Mike Farrell
March 18, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Our special guests for tonight's show are David Love, Executive Director for the "Witness to Innocence" Organization fighting to "Abolish the Death Penalty" and Mike Farrell, who is a well-known Actor (M.A.S.H) and Activist speaking out against human rights issues. AJC Radio will also share a special tribute to Exoneree Greg Wilhoit, who recently passed away on February 13th, 2014 in his sleep, at home. Greg spent 5 years on death row for false allegations of brutally murdering his wife, a crime he didn't commit. He was ultimately retried, aquitted and released in 1993.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Bill Moushey & Robert Dewey
March 13, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Our special guests for tonight's show are Bill Moushey, Associate Professor of Journalism & Investigative Reporter, who for the past 28 years has authored award winning investigative reports for television and print publications, documenting a wide range of abuses in the criminal justice system. Also, Exoneree Robert Dewey who spent 18 years in prison for false allegations of rape and murder, crimes he didn't commit.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: James Fleishman & Alan Newton
March 11, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Our special guests for tonight's show are Wrongly Convicted James Fleishman, who recently wrote a book about his experience titled "Inside Story", and Exoneree Alan Newton, who spent 22 years in prison for a crime, he didn't commit.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Maurice Possley & Alan Newton
March 6, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Our special guests for tonight's show are Investigative Reporter, Maurice Possley, who is also on staff with the National Registry of Exonerations and Wrongly Convicted Alan Newton who spent 22 years in prison for a crime, he didn't commit.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Leonard Greenhalgh
March 4, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Our special guest for tonight's show is Leonard Greenhalgh, Professor of Management and Director, Programs for Minority Businesses. He will share with our listenening audience the challenges/successes of small, minority and women owned businesses.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Christopher Scott & Johnnie Lindsey
February 27, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Joining us tonight are Exonerees, Christoper Scott and Johnnie Lindsey of Texas, who started an organization, called House of Renewed Hope that fighting for social justice for those wrongly accused and convicted.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Lou Bryan
February 25, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Joining us tonight is Lou Bryan, Juror who experienced first-hand being manipulated by a corrupt Prosecutor, Ken Anderson, who withheld evidence that would have proved Michael Morton's innocence.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Lori St. John & Fernando Bermudez
February 20, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests joining us tonight is Author/Attorney, Lori St John and Wrongly Convicted/Exonerated, Fernando Bermudez. They will be sharing information with our listening audience about how innocent people can be wrongly convicted, here in the United States.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Gregory Hurley
February 18, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Joining us tonight is Attorney, Gregory Hurley, who is also a Knowledge and Information Service Analyst for the National Center of State Courts, headquatered in Williamsburg, Virginia. He will be sharing information with our listening audience on the Grand Jury process and how it is conducted, here in the United States. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ajcradio2/2014/02/19/a-just-cause-coast-2-coast--why-were-there-two-grand-juries-in-the-irp6-case
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Matthew Fogg, Part 2
February 13, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Joining us again tonight is Retired, US Marshal, Matthew Fogg. He will be sharing information with our listening audience on how FBI raids are carried out and conducted, here in the United States and abroad.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Matthew Fogg
February 11, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Tonight's discussion is on the FBI's raid of IRP Solutions. Joining this discussion is our guest Matthew Fogg, a retired Chief Deputy US Marshal. To learn more about Matthew Fogg visit http://www.leap.cc/author/MatthewF/.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: IRP Business Opportunities
February 6, 2014 - AJC Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. A Just Cause is currently campaigning for "FreeTheIRP6," who's been wrongly imprisoned in Florence, CO for a crime they didn't commit. For full story: www.freetheirp6.org. For more information, about A Just Cause and to Donate to the IRP6 legal defense fund, please visit www.a-justcause.com.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Yolanda Walker
January 30, 2014 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special guest for tonight's show will be Yolanda Walker, wife of Gary Walker, CEO of IRP Solutions. Yolanda will be sharing in-depth details about the sacrifices that her husband made in the 10 year process of creating the Case Investigative Life-Cycle (CILC) software and pursuing the American Dream.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Jim & Nancy Petro
January 28, 2014 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Our Special Guests, for tonight's show is Jim & Nancy Petro, Authors of a book, titled "False Justice." This awesome book informs the reader about 8 Myths that Convict the Innocent.“Everyone in prison claims innocence, Our system almost never convicts an innocent person, Only the guilty confess, Wrongful convictions are caused by innocent human error, An eyewitness is the best testimony, Conviction errors get corrected on appeal, It dishonors the victim to question a conviction, If the justice system has problems, the pros will fix them." In addition, A Just Cause is currently campaigning to help "FreeTheIRP6," who have been wrongly imprisoned in Florence, CO for a crime they didn't commit. To read, their full story, visit www.freetheirp6.org.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Pastor Rose Banks & CSF Members
January 23, 2014 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Tonight's special guest will be Pastor Rose Banks of the Colorado Springs Fellowship Church and members sharing their account of events. Pastor, Banks is questioning, why the Church and some members were targeted by the FBI during the investigation of the IRP6: David Banks, Gary Walker, Clinton Stewart, Kendrick Barnes, Demetrius Harper and David Zirpolo.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Expert Witness Andrew Albarelle
January 21, 2014 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Our special guest, returning for tonight's show is Expert Witness, Andrew Albarelle, who was not allowed to testify, during trial for the wrongly convicted IRP6: Gary Walker, David Banks, Clinton Stewart, Kendrick Barnes, David Zirpolo, and Demetrius Harper, all serving 7-11 years in a Federal Prison Camp, in Florence, CO for mail/wire-fraud. Hosts and Special Guest will discuss in-depth, as to why he wasn't allowed to testify and why there has been a media blackout surrounding the IRP6 case.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: MaryAnn Lubas & Marc Reiner
January 16, 2014 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for tonight's show are MaryAnn Lubas, Director of the Pennsylvania Freedom March for the Wrongfully Convicted, and Attorney Marc Reiner, a trial attorney who established Reiner Law. Hear MaryAnn speak about the wrongful conviction of her son, as well as Marc's point of view on this trial.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Expert Witness Andrew Albarelle
January 14, 2014 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for tonight's show includes: Andrew Albarelle, an Expert Witness, not allowed to testify in the IRP6 criminal trial and Joe Thurman, who was also a witness for the IRP6 defense. Our guests will be shedding light on the 'normal' business practices of IRP Solutions and other staffing and contracting companies, as it relates to staffing and hiring for corporations and government contracts.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Ron Edwards & Marc Reiner
January 9, 2014 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for tonight's show are Ron Edwards, host of the Edwards Notebook Radio Commentary, and Attorney Marc Reiner, a trial attorney who established Reiner Law. Visit http://theronedwards.com/ and http://www.marcreinerlaw.com/ respectively to learn more about each of tonight's guests.
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: Gloria Killian & Lawanna Clark
January 7, 2014 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for tonight's show includes: Wrongfully Convicted and Exonerated, Gloria Killian and Wrongly Convicted, Lawanna Clark. They will be shedding light on what it's like to be a woman, wrongly convicted behind prison bars and how it directly impacted their lives and their families lives!
A Just Cause Coast 2 Coast: 2013 Recap and Strategy for 2014
January 2, 2014 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Although the American system of justice is the most-respected worldwide, it is still a system designed, and operated, by humans, which means it's not perfect. Sam, Cliff, and Ethel will highlight ongoing struggles against "the system" to free wrongfully imprisoned people, and what happens when justice miscarries against an actually innocent person. A Just Cause is currently campaigning to help "FreeTheIRP6," who have been wrongly imprisoned in Florence, CO for a crime they didn't commit. To read their full story, visit www.freetheirp6.org.