Exposing Injustices Wherever Found
an Organization for Social Justice

Heather Martinez - Mother of Daughter Who Tried to Commit Suicide
Heather Martinez is a mother of 5 from Texas. She has been dealing with bullying in her local schools for about 6 years. It began with her daughter, Natalie, around the 5th grade who is now a sophomore. When it began she went to the school repeatedly and told them about it, and they would talk to the girls and that only made them mad. They would retaliate and bully her more. It got to the point where she would beg her not to go to school. Heather didn't know what to do, so she decided to make a petition and a Facebook group to let others know in her community about the issues and petition. She got over 500 signatures, expressed her concerns to the superintendent and showed him the petition so he could see she wasn't the only one who felt these issues needed to be resolved.
Adrianne Cloud - Mother of 3 from Texas
Adrianne Cloud is a mother of 3 from Texas. She has been dealing with bullying for 12 years now. It started with her oldest child, Yasmine, regarding her learning disabilities in the 2nd grade. This happened at her local school where she grew up. Her daughter was called slow, dumb, and ugly, and she was picked on by one certain student because her family had money. The school would not do anything about it. She would talk to them and setup meetings with the principal and teachers, but nothing got resolved. They only said that they will investigate and get back with her.
Kati "Jazz" Gray-Sadler - Founder of Fifty Shades of Purple Against Bullying
Kati 'Jazz' Gray-Sadler is the Founder/President FSP Against Bullying (FSP) a non-profit organization based in the United States. FSP was born out of the need for Bullying Prevention resources and services that would address a growing public health crises. Jazz is not only the founder but a parent advocate whose child contemplated suicide at the tender age of eight following several bullying incidents that went unaddressed by schools.
Website - https://www.fspagainstbullying.org/
Our hosts return to the topic of how a number American veterans are living their lives after risking those very lives for this country. You would think that these veterans' sacrifice would be honored and repaid, but they are left to the streets with no care, no money, and no place to call home.
Martha Deaver - President of AANHR
Martha Deaver’s tragic experiences with two Arkansas nursing homes caused her to become an advocate for the elderly. After both her mother and mother-in-law were victims of nursing home abuse, she shared her story with a journalist, and it was later published in Ladies Home Journal. Today, Mrs. Deaver is the president of the Arkansas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents (AANHR), an organization dedicated to protecting the elderly from abuse in nursing homes and seeking justice through prosecution of those victimizing the elderly. For three years, she worked to supply information and data to Trudy Lieberman, the director of an organization that provides consumer reports regarding health issues. As a result, Consumer Reports released one of the most in-depth looks at America’s nursing homes to date.
Websites - https://www.aanhr.org/ | http://www.veterans.arkansas.gov/
Mark Tassone - Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
Mark is a trial lawyer whose practice has focused on representing plaintiffs and their families in nursing home neglect, abuse, and wrongful death cases. Having had a loved one abused in a nursing home, he understands the pain, frustration, sadness, powerlessness, and guilt felt by the families of nursing home abuse and neglect victims. As a trial lawyer with Eadie Hill Trial Lawyers, his practice will be focused on rewriting the narrative: converting pain to comfort, frustration to relief, sadness to closure, powerlessness into holding others accountable, and guilt into validation.
Website - https://www.eadiehill.com/
It has been 21 years since we experienced one of the worst acts of terrorism in the United States. During this show our hosts recall what they were doing and how they felt when this tragedy swept our nation. We continue to remember the lives that were lost and changed as a result of the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
We have reached the conclusion of the IRP5 case coverage. During this final installment our hosts wrap up the trial, discuss the interference of their defense by the judge and prosecutors, and explain how it felt to be betrayed by the system that they tried to help.
There's even more of the IRP5 trial to cover, so we continue with this series. The hosts ponder why this trial went on as long as it did or even happened when there was no crime committed.
Here's even more info on the IRP5 case for you. Our hosts discuss more of the trial and how the judge and prosecutor tried to paint a picture of guilt for the jury and wrongly accuse these innocent men.
We're back with more of the IRP5 case. Our hosts resume this series by progressing through more of the trial and focusing on the oddities that happened during it.
Our hosts press further into the topic of how far our country's morals have come since George Floyd was killed. In addition to the brutality of officers on the streets of America, we take a gander at the cruel acts committed inside the correctional facilities of this nation.
We continue our discussion from last week about the state our nation since the death of George Floyd. Our hosts bring up those who were killed in similar situations to Floyd before his death received worldwide attention.
Due to the recent death of Jayland Walker by the hands of the police, we revisit the topic of police brutality. It has been a little over two years since George Floyd was murdered by Derek Chauvin. Has our nation made any significant progress to prevent this scenario from happening again? Will police truly be held accountable for the lives they needlessly take? Our hosts answer these questions and voice the thoughts of the people during this show.
We're back again with more info on the IRP5 case. Our hosts continue to talk about the trial and the actions of the judge & prosecutor in regards to the jury.
In light of the hearings for the January 6th raid on the Capitol, our hosts give their thoughts and opinions on the cause and outcome of the insurrection that shook the nation.
We return to the discussion of the IRP5 case. During this show, our hosts talk about the trial of the IRP5 and the misconduct of the judge and prosecutor in the courtroom.
Due to the recent events in our country, our hosts take a look at all areas of gun control. What causes someone to shoot innocent people? How can these situations be stopped in the future? Is there a way to keep guns out of the wrong hands? Will our government continue to talk about change, or will they proceed to make a change?
We dedicate this show to the victims of the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Please send your prayers to the families and loved ones of the 21 killed and 17 injured in this tragic event.
Here's even more info on the IRP5 case in this show. The IRP5 talk about what went on behind the scenes after their indictment.
We've got more info on the IRP5 case for you. We talk about IRP Solutions' business practice and how it is a normal process in the IT field.
Here's more info on the IRP5 case. We discuss the story of Lawanna Clark, a woman who was targeted by the government in their pursuit of the IRP5.
Our hosts dig deeper into the IRP5 case. We revisit the FBI's raid of IRP Solutions and the discrimination each of the IRP5 experienced.
Our hosts continue to discuss the circumstances involved in the IRP5 case. We take an in-depth look at the IRP5's occupations and how they tried to help protect our country.
Our hosts continue to discuss the developments of the Colorado case as well as the similar circumstances involved in the IRP5 case. We also continue to talk about the corrupt methods used by the system to get the results they want.
Our hosts continue to discuss the developments of the Colorado case as well as the similar circumstances involved in the IRP5 case. We talk about the corrupt methods used by the system to get the results they want. *DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS, THE ATTORNEY INVOLVED IN THESE CASES COULDN'T JOIN THE SHOW. SHE WILL JOIN THE CONVERSATION IN THE FOLLOWING SHOW*
Our hosts continue to discuss the developments of the Colorado case. We speak on the falsely accused individuals involved and come to understand even more why they're called "pillars of the community".
Our hosts discuss the developments of the case mentioned in the past two shows. We speak with the falsely accused individuals involved and come to understand why they've been called "pillars of the community".
Our hosts continue the discussion of how members of the United States' justice system have targeted and uprooted the lives of individuals who were falsely accused of committing a crime. What does the "justice" in the justice system really mean?
Our hosts discuss how members of the United States' justice system has targeted and uprooted the lives of individuals who were falsely accused of committing a crime. What does the "justice" in the justice system really mean?
Jaime Miller - Mother Wronged by the Justice System
Jaime is a mother of three. She's going through a very contentious custody dispute and divorce. She's learned that the justice system allows the abusive parent or the parent that has more money to punish, torment, and alienate the other parent. It has caused her so much unnecessary trauma. In her story, like with many others, there are many false allegations with no evidence. Her specially assigned judge, Judge Purpura, violated her constitutional rights, violated due process, and demonstrated blatant bias throughout the litigation. She is very scared and concerned about the wellbeing of her children and does not know who to turn to or who to trust.
Website - https://www.mytruthourjustice.org/ | Sign Jaime's Petition - https://bit.ly/3g0NQo6