Exposing Injustices Wherever Found
an Organization for Social Justice
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Robert King, Member of Angola 3
December 19, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart and Ethel Lopez, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans, like OUR SPECIAL GUEST and WRONGLY CONVICTED, ROBERT KING, member of the Angola 3 in Louisiana! To learn more about Robert King's wrongful conviction story, please visit: www.kingsfreelines.com.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: "Free Don Miller" Supporters
December 17, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel Lopez of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Tonight's Special Guests are the "Free Don Miller" Supporters. To learn more about Don Miller and his supporter's fight to free him,
visit www.freedonmiller.org.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Joseph Thurman & Mark Clements
December 12, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Tonight's Special Guests, are Joseph Thurman, Staffing & Recruiting Specialist and Exonerated, Mark Clements, who at the age of 16 was wrongly convicted and sentenced to four life sentences, plus 30 years in the state penitentiary for a crime he didn't commit! To learn more about Mark Clements' wrongful conviction story, please visit: http://peopleslawoffice.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/2010.Vol-9-No.-14.-March-April-.PMCRLR.Three-Torture-Victims-exonerated.-GFT..pdf.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Dr. Wilmer Leon & Raymond Santana
December 10, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for this show include, Dr. Wilmer Leon, Host of "Inside the Issues," on Sirius XM radio, channel 110, http://www.wilmerleon.com/. Also Exoneree, Raymond Santana, one of the "Central Park Five," wrongly convicted for a crime they didn't commit! Although the American system of justice is the most-respected worldwide, it is still a system designed, and operated, by humans, which means it's not perfect. Sam and Cliff will highlight ongoing struggles against "the system" to free wrongfully imprisoned people, and what happens when justice miscarries against an actually innocent person.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Alex Daube & Herman Lindsey
December 5, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Tonight's Special Guests, are Alex Daube, a representative of "Fully Informed Jury Association," a group advocating the restoration of jury rights in the United States and Exoneree, Herman Lindsey, who in 2006 was wrongly convicted and sentenced to death row for a crime he didn't commit! To learn more about the Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA), advocacy group, please visit website: http://fija.org/ and to learn more about Herman Lindsey's wrongful conviction story, please visit Witness to Innocence website: http://www.witnesstoinnocence.org/exonerees/herman-lindsey.html.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Alex Daube & Herman Lindsey
December 3, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Tonight's Special Guests, are Alex Daube, a representative of "Fully Informed Jury Association," a group advocating the restoration of jury rights in the United States. To learn more about the Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA), advocacy group, please visit website: http://fija.org/. Exoneree, Herman Lindsey, who in 2006 was wrongly convicted and sentenced to death row for a crime he didn't commit joined the show! To learn more about Herman Lindsey's wrongful conviction story, please visit Witness to Innocence website: http://www.witnesstoinnocence.org/exonerees/herman-lindsey.html.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Brenda White & Yusef Salaam
November 26, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart, and Ethel of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests are Brenda White, Radio Hosts of "Up All Night with Brenda White" and Wrongly Convicted, Yusef Abdus Salaam. To listen to Brenda White, please visit: http://www.spreaker.com/show/up_all_night_wit_brenda_white. For more information about Yusef Abdus Salaam, check out the "Central Park 5" documentary, produced by Ken Burns.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Erik Rush & Johnnie Savory
November 21, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart and Ethel Lopez, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for tonight's show are Erik Rush, a Speaker, Columnist and Radio Show Host of "Full Contact with Erik Rush Live" and Johnnie Savory, who spent 36 years in prison for a crime, he says he didn't commit! For more information about Erik Rush, please visit his website at www.erikrush.com and to learn more about Johnnie Savory's case, visit his website at www.thesavoryfiles.com.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Diane Dimond & Johnnie Savory
November 19, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart and Ethel Lopez, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for tonight's show are Diane Dimond, an "Investigative Reporter and Syndicated Columnist" who specializes in the crime and justice and Johnnie Savory, who spent 36 years in prison for a crime, he says he didn't commit! For more information about Diane Dimond, please visit her website at www.DianeDimond.net and to learn more about Johnnie Savory's case, visit his website at www.thesavoryfiles.com.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: IRP6 Wives & Children
November 14, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart and Ethel Lopez, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for tonight's show include the children of the Wrongfully Convicted, IRP6: Kyle Walker, Kea Banks, Tiffany Stewart and Kayla Harper! Additional Guests for this show will include, Nick O'Connell, Development Director with Centurion Ministries and his father, Frank O'Connell who was exonerated with the help of Centurion Ministries, after serving 27 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit!
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: IRP6 Wives & Jeffrey Deskovic
November 12, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart and Ethel Lopez, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for tonight's show include the wives of the Wrongfully Convicted. In addition, Jeffrey Deskovic's story was highlighted as the Exoneree Moment. The Jeffrey Deskovic Foundation, for the prevention and eradication of wrongful convictions, came about after Jeffrey was wrongfully convicted and served 17 years in prison as the result of his own brutal treatment at age 16 by rogue police, prosecutors, and other law enforcement personnel.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: The Lawanna Clark Story
November 7, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart and Ethel Lopez, of the Colorado exoneration firm, A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Special Guests for tonight's show include: Wrongfully Convicted, Lawanna Clark and Judith Housely, a hand-writing expert, who provided proof of Lawanna's innocence, which was ignored by the courts! Although the American system of justice is the most-respected worldwide, it is still a system designed, and operated, by humans, which means it's not perfect. Sam and Cliff will highlight ongoing struggles against "the system" to free wrongfully imprisoned people, and what happens when justice miscarries against an innocent person.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Lawanna Clark Story & IRP Connections
November 5, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman and Cliff Stewart, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. This episode chronicles the story of Lawanna Clark, who was wrongly convicted and served six months in an Arizona women's federal prison camp. Handwriting Expert, Judith Housley, also joins the show to discuss the evidence that she reviewed and her dismay that her expert conclusions were disregarded, resulting in prison time for Clark.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Free the IRP6 w/ Lamont Banks
October 31, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart and Ethel Lopez, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. This episode, the AJC Radio team is pleased to talk with SPECIAL GUEST and EXONEREE, LAMONT BANKS!
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Special Guest, Exoneree Lamont Banks
October 29, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman and Cliff Stewart, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans, like their SPECIAL GUEST and EXONEREE, LAMONT BANKS. Although the American system of justice is the most-respected worldwide, it is still a system designed, and operated, by humans, which means it's not perfect. Sam and Cliff will highlight ongoing struggles against "the system" to free wrongfully imprisoned people.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Free the IRP6 w/ Nicole Casarez
October 24, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman, Cliff Stewart and Ethel Lopez, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. This episode, the AJC Radio team is pleased to talk with SPECIAL GUEST, NICOLE CASAREZ, attorney for exoneree Anthony Graves who fought along with her students for 8 years to exonerate him.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Special Guest, Exoneree Anthony C Graves
October 22, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman and Cliff Stewart, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans, like their SPECIAL GUEST and EXONEREE, LAMONT BANKS. Although the American system of justice is the most-respected worldwide, it is still a system designed, and operated, by humans, which means it's not perfect. Sam and Cliff will highlight ongoing struggles against "the system" to free wrongfully imprisoned people.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Free the IRP6
October 17, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman and Cliff Stewart, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Although the American system of justice is the most-respected worldwide, it is still a system designed, and operated, by humans, which means it's not perfect. Sam and Cliff will highlight ongoing struggles against "the system" to free wrongfully imprisoned people, and what happens when justice miscarries against an actually innocent person.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Senator Ted Stevens & the IRP6 Case
October 15, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman and Cliff Stewart, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. This episode, the AJC Radio team is pleased to talk with SPECIAL GUEST, JACKIE SUMELL, a New Orleans based artist & activist who collaborated with the late HERMAN WALLACE of the Angola3 in Herman's House, his dream home.
A Just Cause Coast to Coast: Free the IRP6
October 10, 2013 - Contending for Truth Radio on BlogTalkRadio
Join Sam Thurman and Cliff Stewart each week as they fight abuse and misuse of power within the justice system.http://www.a-justcause.com is a 501(c)(3) organization that was established in 2005 by a group of concerned citizens who were witness to a federal criminal case that was grossly over-criminalized. After seeing how a case can be misconstrued as criminal, and peoples' lives turned upside down, A Just Cause was formed to fight abuse and misuse of power within the justice system. @A_JustCause.
Inagural Show - A Just Cause Coast to Coast
October 8, 2013 - Conservative Nation Media on BlogTalkRadio
Sam Thurman and Cliff Stewart, of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Although the American system of justice is the most-respected worldwide, it is still a system designed, and operated, by humans, which means it's not perfect. Sam and Cliff will highlight ongoing struggles against "the system" to free wrongfully imprisoned people, and what happens when justice miscarries against an actually innocent person.